Barley has begun!

Well, after significantly more toil and trouble than should really be necessary, I’ve got some barley in the ground. My evil plan has begun…

It’s not much, really–two very small plots (about 2’x3′ each).  barley has begunAnd I’ve absolutely no idea whether things will turn out.  But, as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  The plots are my two winter barleys; specifically Maris Otter and Halcyon.  The planting was auspicious: the day after the Autumnal Equinox, and it was “witnessed” by both the Sun and the Moon.  So long as the winter isn’t absolutely insane, I’m at least moderately optimistic for them.

The rest of my barley (Bere, Hana, and Conlon) will wait for springtime, being spring barleys.  Which means I’ve got a little time yet to get the field prepped for them.  I’ve got to finish mowing (get everything down to 1/2″), then figure a way to disk or till a pretty large area of dirt.  I may end up renting a tiller from Home Depot, when all is said and done–although I may be able to talk a neighbor into disking the area with their tractor…

Work on the Brewery/Pub is still in the early planning stages–I may do a little interior clean-up this weekend, but I’m likely to have my hands full working on the house (ah, the joys of an old farmhouse–always something to fix…).  A full clean-up may have to wait for spring, as I’m liable to want a dumpster to haul stuff away–there’s junk both inside *and* outside that needs to go.  Then a new roof…  Eventually, there will be (as mentioned) a bar, as well as a dedicated brewing space; I hope to have a rainwater catchment system in place to provide about 2500 gallons or so of water; there will be a lagering/cold-storage area, and a bathroom.  Throw in a poker table, and you’ve got the start to an evening!  One wall is perfect to be the screen of a digital projection system (can you say twenty-two foot diagonal screen?); in decent weather, I may even be able to set up outside–depending on where exactly my hops end up.  All told, I think the space is going to work out nicely…

Speaking of my hops, I hope to move them to the new area by this weekend.  They didn’t produce, this year–they got too dry during the heat wave; I was amazed they came back as well as they did–so I’ll probably cut them back, and actually plant them in the spring.

And so, the latest round of adventures are under way!  Look for more updates as things progress.

Cascades and Newport

Those of you who have followed my antics for the last couple of years (since before this blog) know that I include hops-growing in my hobbies, in the hopes of one day getting a harvest to use in a batch. I started out with two rhizomes of Mt Hood hops, but they mysteriously died shortly after putting out burrs. I replaced them with two Cascades rhizomes last year; I was able to harvest a few ounces from them.

One of the rhizomes sprouted this year, but it was nipped by birds (I’m assuming) before it could get more than a couple of inches long. The other one was dug up by the pup, as he went through that phase. Long story short, they both croaked. So, I ordered some more, rather late in the year (the order was placed in May, from Freshops). The rhizomes arrived on June the 12th. I ordered a new pair of Cascades, and inadvertently one Newport rhizome. They all got planted on June 13th.

The Newport was the first to sprout, but it withered and died within a week; I’m not sure what happened, exactly, but I don’t think the rhizome was in the best of shape to begin with. No harm, no foul.

What follows are some photos of what the Cascades have been up to this month…

To the left, you will see the rhizomes, with the Cascades taking pride of place…

And below, the first shoot from the Cascades, 9 days after planting.





Here they are, four days later. These things grow like crazy!




And here they are, as photographed this morning (5 days after the last shot).

Watching them isn’t quite as dull as watching grass grow; I’ve got nearly daily photos dating from their initial sprouting. I may be convinced to put up the series on the website (watching the daily change is interesting). Regardless, updates here in the blog will be forthcoming as the weeks go by.